Thursday, February 18, 2010

Side Effects /equal What Is The Effect Of Drinking Alot Of Water Equal To 3 - 5 Liters In Cold Weather I.e. Side Effect On Kidney?

What is the effect of drinking alot of water equal to 3 - 5 liters in cold weather i.e. side effect on kidney? - side effects /equal

and other organs.


luoontoo... said...

If you drink a lot of skin on the dose and have to go to the hospital

gamya said...

Do not drink to think it is good, too. However, if he is thirsty, drink anything that is accepted by the system. But if you are either excessive or no thirst at all, is a concern. This is used not in itself a disease but a symptom of a disease to a medicine to be cured at the same time take care of other symptoms. This may not even affect their kidney. Contact us for a homeopathic cure.

wackyblu... said...

provided that they are perfectly healthy, is the only side effect that large amounts of urine.

if they are healthy, see your doctor before doing so. Overloading could fill the heart, lungs with fluid, and somehow even worse. again, you can get all your electrolytes out of Wack (if WAY drank more) and then an arrhythmia, or worse.

mepsgc05 said...

There should be no negative impact on everyone. A myth or a problem is to convince people to drink adeqate amounts of water if the cold and the reason that the "heat" or do not sweat, I do not think that they need to drink plenty of water.
I can not imagine, and I've never heard of drinking lots of water of harmful side effects. Just be sure to keep a healthy diet and adequate. A

Babyface said...

Water has no .............. affects all the positive aspects

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